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Welcome to Renin!

My name is Tula! I'm courtier. I like pretty flowers... ohoh and cookies aaaaaaaaaaaand butterflies.
And now i like Rain!!!!! Sir Rain is soooo cool! Just by fate I stubbled upon his letter that said he was traped in jail! but now he's here with me!
added later-
um... well i fell like i was just stabbed i found out rain dosn't like me... *crying* i am back from running away as well... i will tell you all about it sometime.

sooo as you know i was mad at you for calling me weak (which i'm not! i know ninjisu! i snuck out of my house to take lessons and everything!)and making me go to magic school soooo i decided to runaway! first stop was going to be my house because well... i wanted some money and things. but on my way there i got horriblely lost... it was cold and rainy ( which reminded me of Rain ) and i was tired. Having no idea where i was i decided i may as well make the best of it and look on the bright side of things. I stopped and laid down in a field for a minute to think of what to do next and just then i saw a butterfly! A beautiful blue butterfly! so i got up and followed it! Next thing i knew i ran into someone (literally). He was flying a butterfly kite and watching it and i was watching the butterfly so we collided.



After both of us said sorry he helped me up and we just stared at each other for a moment. then he got all red! He said his name was Julius Markem. ( such a cool name) I introduced myself ( by my real name not my nick name tula) as Vanessa Venus Vivi Vega. He said my names where almost as beautiful as me! *sigh* so then he we started small talk about butterflies ( Vanessa means butterfly) and kites and stuff. then he asked me why i was here so i told him the whole story about my adventures with rain then getting in a fight. sooo then i asked him about him and he said he would take me to his house because it was raining and going to get dark and we could talk about it there. then he would help me get home! so we ran really fast to his house... which was a CASTLE!!! he told me he was a duke and he owned a bunch of land and stuff. after talking for a while he gave me something to change into for dinner. and then we dined. it was sooooooooooooo good! so anyway it was really late so he suggested we stay the night here then try to find my house in the morning.


so i stayed in a really pretty room and i even didn't want to leave in the morning but we headed off on his horse in the morning. i was planning to sneak into my house then sneak back out with stuff but when i got to my town it turns out that everyone was looking for me... sooo... i got home and my mom was crying because she knows sometimes i space out and have memory flashbacks and can't move ( that's what happened at the tavern) and she thought something happened to me. soooo... i made up some story about walking out of the house and then getting horribly lost and this guy found me and brought me back... and they believed it. soooo... now they want me to stay because well... i never told you this because i liked you so much but .. umm i was supposed to get married... to this guy i hate. he's as mean as he is ugly but he's really high on the social pyramid.


sooo now their all excited and are getting ready for the wedding tomrrow which i forgot about! so there all pushing me around and finally i get the guts to tell my mom i don't want to marry this guy and she tells me i'm weak and he's strong and will strengthen our family.... well i snapped! I yelled " I AM NOT WEAK! I went to ninjisu classes for 2 years 2 YEARS! and you know what i'm not the strongest person ever but i am going to get stronger!... wwwwith... magic classes! and you know what else i like someone else!"

i was really talking about you rain but umm... Julius seemed to think it was him and got all red and he was growing on me!



sooooo... i ran upstairs and grabbed some things and my old allowance and i was about to run out the door but my mom caught me with tears in her eyes and gave me a hug. she told me she loved me and to come back and see her sometime. my dad was really really angry and was going to try to stop me but Julius stepped in front of me and mom yelled at him to let me go so i left riding into the sun with Julius *sigh* at this time i realized i really really liked Julius! he asked me where i wanted to go but i hadn't thought that far ahead... so he suggested he take me somewhere. sooo... he took me to this really cool fun town with really good cookies and we talked and joked around. we stayed at an inn but never really slept! we were having so much fun talking and playing games. then he took me to a beautiful city on the waters edge the next day i took him to my most favorite spot in the whole world ( i can't even tell you where it is ! it's a secret!)



so at the end of this day we went back to his castle and he umm... asked me out... and well i still had feelings for you... and him and i was so confused so i told him i would think about it and tell him in the morning. during the night i ran to this shop that can answer any question and so i ... um asked if ummm.,... you... rain really loved me... and ummm... it said no... and umm well i figured some umm things out... but i was upset for some time... then i realized that Julius was waiting for me and he was a great guy that i liked... so i went back. when i got back it was 3am but he was up and so i told him yes ( apparently he had been waiting for my answer and couldn't sleep). so then it turned out that there was a flood in a near by town! so he had to help try to save as much of the town as possible.



so i decided to go with him we worked all morning with sand bags and stone walls. when we did all we could do we went back to his house we laid down together and fell asleep ( so improper i kno...) when i woke all i could think was that if i knew magic i could have helped more! so i told him i had to leave to go learn magic... i'd be back sometime though. he said he understood and would wait for me even if it took me years i promised the same and he gave me a ring! so i left him sadly but with a map! ( i still got lost and went to the wrong house before getting here)



sssooooo that;s my story



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