So Who is Ico ze Jester? of corse, but where am i? what are my strengths? allies? enemies? victmes...? to
answer some questions I am a Jester, i tell random jokes ..... randomly .... thats my basic TM's. where am i? im in
my own little world, seperate from The "Kingdom" yes that means you can not get to me or "kidnap" me unless i apear
with enough time for you to "pull the wool over my eyes"......
my powers are:
I have the power to "copy" one power from every and any player, however, i can only copy one power from each player,
if i wish to "exchange" this power, or actualy "obtain", it i would have to be in contact with that person (which includes
being in the same room)
I also have the power to conjure Anti-Magic chambers, where in no magic (but my own) can penetrate the chamber walls,
from the outside and the inside.
my weakness?
im sure every body wants to know the jesters weakness....*sigh*...if i weakness, is the incredable love of
pineapples ^.^, YAY pineapples
I am a neutral person, not good, nor evil, i will fight, if nessisary, and only with those who have befriended me. but
my main goal, is to make people laugh, oviosly, duh, thats basicaly wat a jester is....^.^