I'm officiall in an alliance
w/ Claire. Lena knows this & we're workin' on our own plans. My overall goal is just 2 get rid of Rain. She's really annoyin'
me 4 some reason. This alliance is givin' me the chance 2 try 2 do that. Rain's wearin' a collar I donned on her, I used it
when she was in the Morbadian Castle 2 C how it worked. It went beautifully. I'll hvae 2 remove it for Claire's satisfaction
soon, but I'll have fun w/ it while rain still wears it.
Damais Hazel
Transfiguration: 4
Combat: 10
Transportation: 7
Mental Fields: 6
Healing: 3
6th Sensing: 6
"Seer": 7
Literacy: 7
Verbal: 4
Silent: 2
Duplication: 8
Life & Death: 8
Power Source: Silver Bracelet
Review: Student was poor at silent spell control. She had to say almost every spell she
wanted to do, despite this even, her vebal abilities were jerky and strange. She also had a difficult time pulling object
out of the air or manipulating them. Healing, she seemed better at harming others han healing them. Her disinterest in their
well-being cause her ability to dwindle. OF COURSE, being a Damais, her Combatant levels were high. She
also accelled in duplication, which she appeared to master the cloning section. And Life & Death. She was ok at seeing
into the future and past, but her weakness lays in the fact that she could only "see" in her dreams. Like the Damais Rain.
Her transportation was satisfactory as well, but her dark thoughts often distracted her to end up in places such as Morbadia
and Tuer.
Overall this student is slightly unbalanced, but still a strong component in her field. A level 6 in
fact. Her official title is a Fox because all of her magical talents direct towards her being a sly and shrewd analyst.
She has the potential to go far in life, but if she does, may the Corn gods help us all.
Approved by Aeking the Magician