Welcome to Renin!

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It was a fun time in Renin for the long time that it was running, but now it has come to a close. There never was a winner and never a true end, but now Renin is at rest. Thanks to all for making it so much fun!!!
~ The Over-Seer

Hello! Check out the news page- important plot development!
UPDATES DUE!! Everyone should update their p[ages by this friday for the purpose of this game! LOL! Failure is not an option SIOFRA is the first to do so, thus she recieves five points and a gold star! YAY Siofra!! Olive and Lena have also posted new info!!!
ARE YOU MAGIC? Then gosh darn it! Email the Over-Seer and get your "I Graduated Magic School Report" so that you can legally use magic on this site. The report will tell you what you're strengths were and what you needed to work on. It'll also pit you against other magicians in the field.

The Over Seer

Down with styrofoam! Use a ceramic plate from the hot food line.  Or you can grab a napkin. Academy students: This means YOU!

Hello Fair Wanderer,
You have stumbled upon a powerful land, one in which you've subconsciously been searching for your entire life. WELCOME! *Evil Laugh* But seriously, Renin is a world, both fantastical and modern. Based in the medieval time period, you must create a name, status, and alignment for yourself on this site by first requesting a page. But enough of that florp, we're talking reality here. Cya in the world... hope to hear from you... unless you decide to be evil that is...
- The Over - Seer

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Evanescence String Quartet...

Blues Guitar